mcn Therapy

IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback Therapy (MCN)

About mCN

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive procedure, in which patients can receive real-time feedback on their brain activity. It is a form of biofeedback, which is when a patient receives information about physiological processes taking place in their body through the use of electronic instruments.

Microcurrent Neurofeedback (MCN) is a newly developed therapy intended to assist the brain in “rebooting” itself. Small electrodes are placed on the patient’s head during an MCN session to reflect brain waves and promote the “re-routing” of existing brain wave patterns. Common reactions include mental clarity, tranquility, sharper senses, and restful sleep within the first few treatments.

About mcn

How Does IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback Therapy Work?

The ultimate goal of neurofeedback therapy is to enable the patient to consciously control their brainwaves. Depending on the issue, it accomplishes this by taking appropriate brainwave measurements. Alpha waves, for instance, are linked to calmness, readiness, meditation, and being extremely relaxed. Beta waves are linked to concentration, prolonged attention, tension, alertness, and enthusiasm. As a result, alpha waves are targeted to treat conditions like stress and anxiety, whereas beta waves are targeted to enhance ADHD-related traits like focus and attention.

Without the receiver’s conscious involvement, IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback causes a detectable shift in brainwave activity. The method uses FDA-approved electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment that briefly stimulates the nervous system with microcurrent to modify the brainwaves momentarily. As a result, it is possible to remove stuck patterns and, when necessary, stimulate the brain. As healthy brain patterns are malleable by nature, this merely changes harmful and dysfunctional brain patterns while leaving the healthy ones alone. The outcome is a change in brainwave state and a significant improvement in the brain’s and nervous system’s capacity for self-regulation.

About MCN

How Can IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback Help?

IASIS MCN addresses a variety of ailments, including PTSD, ADD/ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and many others. Within three sessions, 85% of patients report progress. Patients typically describe feeling calmer, having better focus and memory, and having the fatigue associated with many brain imbalance illnesses lift.

Although every patient is unique, three to five sessions are typically enough to begin seeing results. The ideal number of sessions for long-lasting outcomes is 10–20.

About mcn

Reported Benefits of Microcurrent Neurofeedback Therapy for Individuals with:

Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions are required to see improvement?

Most individuals see the first changes after three sessions, although occasionally, it takes a few more. The typical number of sessions varies according to how severe a condition is. Sessions after the initial course of therapy are often not required. People occasionally might need a "booster."

Do I have to stop my medication?

No. It won't affect MCN's efficacy if you continue using your existing prescription medicine.

How effective is IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback Therapy?

Very Effective! More than 85% of patients claim that they have meaningful, frequently noticeably better benefits. This therapy may reduce migraines and headaches, lift brain fog, alleviate the symptoms of PTSD and anxiety, stop panic attacks, enhance sleep, and reduce depressive thoughts.

How long has IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback been around? Is it experimental?

IASIS Neurofeedback has been utilized by practitioners for more than 15 years, along with older and related versions. Neurofeedback with IASIS is not a test subject. IASIS Neurofeedback-inspired technologies have helped over 75,000 patients in the past.

How is IASIS Microcurrent Feedback different than traditional Neurofeedback Therapies?

Typically, mindfulness training is related to traditional neurofeedback. A computer screen receives data from your brainwaves. By imagining events occurring on the screen, clients seek to train their brainwaves. Back to the brain, no signal is returned. With a typical session lasting 45 to 60 minutes, this type of neurofeedback often necessitates 40 or more sessions. Clients using IASIS Neurofeedback sit stationary for a short period of time. All of the work is done by a transient, minuscule signal that is delivered and returned back to the brain. Clients who use IASIS Neurofeedback may see results immediately or within the first few sessions. IASIS Neurofeedback has a lot of advantages over other types of treatments, including prompt effectiveness, fewer sessions, and simplicity and convenience of use.

Is the process painful or uncomfortable?

Treatment with IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback therapy is not painful. You won't even be aware of the brainwave feedback, which doesn't involve conscious effort on your behalf. The procedure takes care of everything; all you have to do is, remain still for a short period.